
2021年5月16日—Aboutthequickscan,ittakesfrom5to20minutesdependsonhowmuchdataonmydevices,andaboutthecustom(full)scanmydeviceshave ...,2017年10月20日—ThiscausestheLONGscantimesof8to12hoursormore.ThisisjustNOTpractical.IsitimportanttoScanforrootkitsoristhisonly ...,Deepscan(threatscanwithscanforrootkitsenabled)takes14-18hourstocomplete–threatscanisfine.Malwarebytesisnotdesignedtofunctionlikenormal...

Custom Scan is on its 25 hours and still not complete!!

2021年5月16日 — About the quick scan, it takes from 5 to 20 minutes depends on how much data on my devices, and about the custom (full) scan my devices have ...

Custom Scans take 8 to 12 hours or more to complete.

2017年10月20日 — This causes the LONG scan times of 8 to 12 hours or more. This is just NOT practical. Is it important to Scan for rootkits or is this only ...

Deep scan (threat scan with scan for rootkits enabled) takes ...

Deep scan (threat scan with scan for rootkits enabled) takes 14-18 hours to complete – threat scan is fine. Malwarebytes is not designed to function like normal AV scanners and uses a new kind of scan engine that relies mostly on heuristics detection tech

How much time should a full scan take?

2021年6月8日 — I know it will vary but just for a rough reference it takes me about 4 hours to complete a scan of around 600k files. With rootkits scan enabled ...

How to do a Faster Rootkit scan?

2020年3月6日 — I have a Fast Win10 64bit desktop computer, with MBAM free on-demand only- If I just click Scan, it only takes 37 seconds.

Malwarebytes Full Scan Duration?

2022年7月17日 — I just ran a Full Scan (including every scan feature) on my PC with Malwarebytes and it took over 5 hours, which sounds like quite a long ...

Scanning rootkits takes many hourse

2024年4月15日 — If I run a full scan selecting everything except for Scan for rootkits it takes about 30 minutes. When I also selected Scan for rootkits ...

Should I wait for Malwarebytes to finish a 62 hours ...

2021年4月16日 — 62 hours is way too long. I would abort the scan, reboot and do a normal system scan. The custom option to scan inside compressed files might be ...

threat scan has been running for almost 24 hours

2022年4月10日 — I'm still running the other stuff. These are the Malwarebytes findings. (I did let the scan finish, rootkit enabled, it ran for 26 hours).

Types of scans in Nebula

2024年4月2日 — Scan for rootkits: Scans the system kernel, firmware, and memory for rootkits. This may increase the time required to complete a scan and ...